

Translating the 胎息經 – Scripture of Embryonic Breathing with OpenAI

Introduction Exploring the Scripture of Embryonic Breathing (胎息經) with the help of AI translation tools reveals how technology can aid in understanding texts across different languages. This blog post showcases an initial translation provided by OpenAI and an updated version that integrates insights from various sources to enhance accuracy and context. This project is in its early stages, aiming to demonstrate how AI can be used to translate and refine…

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Qingjing Jing – Translated by Livia Kohn

September 27, 2023 5 Min Read

Qingjing Jing – Translated by Livia Kohn Chapter 1 老君曰﹕- Lao Jun Yue : – Master Laozi says :大道無形,生育天地。- Da Dao wu xing , sheng yu tian di .- The Great Dao has no form; it brings forth and raises heaven and earth.大道無情,運行日月。- Da Dao wu qing . yun xing ri yue .- The Great Dao has no feelings; it regulates the course of the sun and moon.大道無名,長養萬物。- Da Dao…

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Taixi jing: Classic of Embryonic Breathing

March 25, 2023 1 Min Read

高上玉皇胎息經 The Celestial Lord Jade Emperor said: The embryo is produced from the qi within. The qi has the embryo within the breath. When the qi enters the body, this is life. When the shen leaves the body, this is death. Knowing shen and qi, longevity is possible. So do not depart from nourishing shen and qi. When the shen moves, the qi moves. When the shen abides, the qi…

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